Date uploaded: 2023-02-12 21:49:10

Have you heard the news? As the headline in the photo shows, "Did A Chunk of the Sun Really Just Break Off?" Hopefully this will make you laugh immediately. The title itself is totally absurd. Believe it or not, this is the news going viral this week. It all stems from a single line in a tweet of mine that says. "Material from a northern prominence just broke away from the main filament & is now circulating in a massive polar vortex around the north pole of our Star." This is how quickly things can spiral (pardon the pun) out of control. The ironic thing is that a chunk of the Sun did not break off during the polar vortex, but they do break off the Sun all the time during normal space weather events. Yet because of the headlines, all sorts of big-name news media came running to do interviews with myself and my colleague and good friend, Scott McIntosh this week. It started with a provocative article (here) and somehow morphed into this absurdity (here). If you notice in the latter article, even the spacecraft credited with the observation has been changed to JWST, which is the one that purposely points away from our Sun so that it isn't blinded by it. Despite the absurdity of the past few days, it leaves me wondering, how so many could get sucked into a solar polar vortex. Turning to the forecast, two newly launched solar storms are on their way to Earth. The largest, which was launched yesterday looks to graze Earth sometime on the 14th, although there is some disagreement between preliminary model runs from NOAA and NASA. I will be sure to do another forecast shortly as things are still being updated. Meanwhile, enjoy the current forecast in which I talk about the returning X-flare players and the risk for radio blackouts this week. Oh, and I also show you the real truth behind the solar polar vortex. But promise me, you won't get sucked in.