Date uploaded: 2019-12-20 00:48:27

Archive date: Sat, 25 Dec 2021 21:51:00 GMT

Forgive the poor quality but I had to share anyway because today, I became a proud dual Canadian/American citizen and I’ve dreamed of this day since I first went on a family vacation to Florida as a little girl. On that trip, I felt magic in the air that ran much deeper than Mickey Mouse (though I loved him too!). I am so immensely proud of my Canadian roots and will always identify strongly with the values and traditions that I grew up with there and after moving to LA at 18 to watch all of my dreams come true professionally and personally, I’ve made a life and home for myself as an adult in America that I’m so grateful for and proud of, too. The fact that I now get to vote and let my voice, opinions and beliefs be heard in the country I’ve spent so long living in is an honor I don’t take lightly. The fact that I get to formally identify as a citizen of the two countries where my heart lies is an absolute privilege. Feeling so grateful, so blessed and so very proud. Those little girls with big dreams we all start out as are much wiser than we give them/us credit for, aren’t they/we? Anything is possible when you’re determined, driven and let your heart guide you. Manifestation is real! Tangent over but one last thing... YAY!!! 🇨🇦 🖤 🇺🇸