Date uploaded: 2019-10-30 12:00:06

Archive date: Sun, 26 Dec 2021 14:29:25 GMT

We regret to inform you that the show in Warsaw on the 16th of November is canceled. Due to very low ticket sales we made this decision together with the promoters. Low ticket sales and low attendance at rock shows is becoming more and more common across Europe. The promoters and bands are doing their best to put on good shows, but if people don't show up it's impossible. If you want a living scene, SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL PROMOTERS! They are the ones taking the financial risk and working their asses off. They give us, the bands, somewhere to play, and you, the fans, somewhere to experience great live music. But they and we need YOU to make it all happen. We hope to have a new opportunity to play Warsaw in the near future. If you are one of the few who purchased a ticket, contact your place of purchase for refund.