Date uploaded: 2023-07-20 02:29:36

Hypothetically… if ‘they’ have the ability to manipulate frequency a la DARPA and HAARP to control the weather, and *hypothetically* if the good guys exist, do you believe that those good guys have the same abilities as them? If the bad guys can seed clouds, can the good guys create tornados? Is there a hypothetical where the good days destroyed this facility? Is it naive to think that kind of war could be occurring behind the scenes yet in front of our faces? Is it just part of the movie? Are you a cynic like me and don’t believe that any good guys exist? Is this just an insurance claim for big pharma? If everyone is on the same team, but this isn’t part of the movie script, do you think that Mother Earth is sentient? Self aware? Capable of sending a tornado one way or another to destroy a biotechnical hub? What do you think of today’s events? Did you read the last line of slide two?