Date uploaded: 2021-10-23 09:37:17

March 24th was a blessing in disguise. While being injured, it allowed me to approach skating differently. And during those 6 months away from the ice, trust me when I tell you that my love and passion for this sport grew like never before. 👊🏾I knew that if I wanted to come back (stronger & better), I needed to bring some changes. 📊Being the CEO of your career means having a vision 👁 , a precise goal 🎯 and a plan of action 🗒. And I am so happy and thankful that you welcomed that vision and those crazy goals 🥴 with open arms and no judgements 🙏🏾 thank you @lorenz.magri for accepting me in your team, and I can’t wait to see what we are going to build together with the Tampa team @silviafontana76 💪🏾🔥 PS: Chique under any circumstances 😎😜 @chiquesport #younggooseacademy #TrainInStyle #MaéBéréniceMéité #MaeBereniceMeite