Date uploaded: 2023-01-22 20:42:50

Beatle Bob's Concert Streak Comes To An End. After 9,439 days in a row of attending a concert tomorrow, January 23, I won't be attending a live show. My streak started on Christmas Day, Dec. 25, 1996 my streak will end tomorrow.. And by the way, if you counted the days between the day I started my streak until today and noticed its 85 days short; that's because a St. Louis ordinance shut down clubs and other businesses during that Covid crisis for 85 days. Like many people after the New Year begins, we look back on the year that just ended and reflect on how the past 365 days affected our lives. For myself, it was the worst year of my life ever as in February of last year I was diagnosed with ALS Lou Gehrig's Disease. My neck muscles are so weak I can't lift my head straight when standing or walking. This past year my voice was so slurred it was hard to understand. Thank goodness for social media that allowed me to communicate. Also I had great difficulty swallowing and   I had to give up eating a lot of favorite foods. As a result I Iost about 25 pounds that I didn't need to lose. This weight loss severely left me in a weakened condition and even though I attended concerts, for the past month I sat the entire time during each show.  My doctor's were alarmed about my weight loss and suggested an operation to insert a feeding tube in my stomach. That will take place tomorrow at Barnes Jewish Hospital where I will stay over for two nights. It was a good concert run while it lasted and hopefully my weight will return fast enough to put me back on the dance floor.