Date uploaded: 2019-09-04 12:13:44

Archive date: Sun, 26 Dec 2021 00:33:25 GMT

500+ script pages, 150+ locations, 100+ characters, 75+ days of principal photography.... And finally it’s a wrap! Thank you to everyone who was a part of this insane journey - a journey that broke all of us into a million little pieces, physically, mentally and emotionally. I don’t know if the blood, sweat and tears will show on screen or if the end result will be what we had hoped it would be or if our audiences are even ready for this narrative... But this much I do know: a) hundreds of people have worked tirelessly for better part of this year, to help craft and visualise this story and I am indebted to each and every one of them. b) every female character in this series will kick some serious douchebag ass and be shamelessly unapologetic. Just like the good lord intended. As for my current feels, this tee (which literally translates to “eat your husband”) sums up just about everything. Thanks @swearuponcoco for the T and @aarij_1 for the pic. #LifeAfterCake #Filmmaker #FilmDirector #Episodic #WebSeries #SeriesWrap #GenderTrouble #EatYourMan