Dawson, hu plejer ta fama internazzjonali fejn lagħab 218 partita mat-tim ta Rangers FC kif ukoll ma l-iskwadra nazzjonali tal-Iskozja. Huwa lagħab mat-tim ta Dingli Swallows lejn l-aħħar tal-karriera kalċistika tiegħu u ma damx wisq ma daħal f'qalb ir-raħal tagħna fejn ta sikwit baqa jagħmel żjarat minn żmien għal żmien. Huwa għamel 14 -il preżenza mat-tim tagħna fejn skorja wkoll 3 g...owls. 🏴⚽️
Ir-ritratt juri lil Alistair Dawson bil-flokk tagħna qabel partita mill-istaġun tal-Ewwel Diviżjoni 1994/1995. 🔴🔵
Il-klabb joffri kondoljanzi lil familjari, qraba u ħbieb tiegħu kollha. Strieħ fis-sliem Ally. 💐🙏
🇬🇧 Remembering Ally Dawon, who unfortunately passed away yesterday at the age of 63. 🕯
Dawson, is a footballer of international fame, having played 218 games for Rangers and also featured in the Scotland national team. He also played for Dingli Swallows towards the end of his footballing career, as he stole the heart of our village where he continued to visit from time to time. He played a total of 14 games for our clubs, scoring 3 goals in the process. 🏴⚽️
The photo shows Alistair Dawson in our club colours before a game valid for the Maltese First Division 1994/1995. 🔴🔵
The club would like to send its sincere condolences to his family and friends. Rest in Peace Ally. 💐🙏