User: DJ Lady Dana
Date posted: Mon, 17 Dec 2012 21:01:25 GMT
Let me start by saying I missed u, I missed the music and I missed being on stage.
Somewhere in the beginning of 2010 I couldn’t concentrate at all anymore,
I was scared driving and I couln’t hear my headphones seperate from the monitor.
That really scared me because I didn’t trust myself anymore....
After visiting the docter she send me to Limburg where I met a great docter who is specialized with the phenom Burn Out.
He told me I could have come 4 years earlier, shocker, what a determination I have :-)
After staying there for 6 weeks my body just totaly gave up because I stopped the train.
I realized how tired I was, it wasn’t just a jetlag..
Than the long way started for me to fill my seriously empty battery.
After one year I started to make real progress and was feeling good again.
That was already sooner anyone expected just to find something that didn’t feel right.
Went to the docter again and she sent me immediatly to the dermatologist.
I had a melanoma and after they removed it and checked it, it was grown to deep in my skin and they sent me to a specialized cancer hospital in Amsterdam, the AVL.
Scary times again because they can’t tell if it’s spread.
So after a lot of visits, november was the time to get surgery.
They did some skin grafting and removed my lymph glands to check if it was clean.
When I was in the recovery room we discovered a clocked vain and I had to go back in.
After a 5 months I got the message clean!! Pfff.
I have a lot of allergies for medicins and now we know also for suture (hope that’s right)
So I got an operation again in febuari when I just recovered from 7 hours anesthesia.
After that operation my left shoulder hurt a lot.
At first I thought it was me compensating the lost of a lot of skin in my neck.
Back to the hospital for a check up and after telling him about the strange pulsating pain
they sent me to the AVL fysio.
When I entered he told me right away that it looked like a pinched nerve.
Normally that can take a half year to 3/4 of a year to heal.
Not the best news but hey, I’m healty!!
So they gave me a lot of medicine including Morphine.
I tested also a lot but I’m really allergic for a lot.
Gota lot of side effects + I put on a lot of weight from it, but hey, if that’s all. :-)
After seeing my own surgeon again, he sent me to a neurologist.
After some test I got the news the nerve was damaged.
When I asked him about a prognosis and he couldn’t give me one.
He said IF it heals we should know in one or one and a half year.
That was a half year ago and after that I got a real dip.
The poisened cup still wasn’t empty.
I’ve been working really hard to get better but this problem I can’t fix.
I have to wait and see and it really hurts.
I’m not a baby but this pulsating pain the whole day is very tiring.
I leak energy and that’s what I was building up again.
After a few months I accepted it and I even got used to the pain.
I stopped with the morphine and I felt better every day mentally.
Now I feel better than ever and the arm teaches me a lot.
After hearing about the last Thunderdome I knew I couldn’t miss it and with the help
of my friend Uzi and all friends around me it was possible to kind of mix with one arm.
I also realized it’s two and a half years since i’ve been gone but it didn’t feel like it.
It was a different kind of rollercoaster I was in. But a perfect time to let you all know what’s going on.
Unfortunatly it cost me very much and the pain was terrible but I wouldn’t have missed it for anything in the world. It was worth it.
I had already planned to go to America for 3 months to recover and with a little faith I’ll come back healthy!!!
If you all keep your fingers crossed for me! I’m sure it helps!!
Otherwise I have to do some back 2 back prefomances :-)
In the mean time I registered for all social media and will keep you posted from now on.
I’m glad to be almost back, and want to thank you all for the support I’ve got already since
Thunderdome XX and I love you all!!!
Ps If somebody wants a dutch translate, I can do that. ;-)
Tweet me @DJLadyDana1