User: MCW Pro Wrestling
Date posted: Mon, 02 Oct 2017 17:57:32 GMT

Joey Matthews has single-handedly changed the face of MCW Pro Wrestling forever.
After a day-time convention with Goldberg, Kevin Nash, Christian, The Steiners, and more, Matthews is now the MCW Pro Wrestling Heavyweight champion.
Starting "Tribute to the Legends", I recalled the controversial actions that led Matthews to win the Shane Shamrock Memorial Cup (SSMC). Matthews demanded MCW owner Dan McDevitt personally hand him the SSMC trophy and new title belt. Threatening action for assaulting him in July, McDevitt was forced to read a statement from Matthews to declare Matthews better than "the never was" Shane Shamrock, to thank Matthews for all of McDevitt's success, and to name him "Mr. MCW".
When Matthews berated Shamrock's name, McDevitt consoled Shamrock's mother in the front row. When he tried to break the SSMC trophy, Bruiser came to the ring and got into an altercation with Matthews, locking him in the BruiseMission with McDevitt blocking referees from aiding him. McDevitt started the Bunkhouse Battle Royal Matthews was supposed to join, but was taken to the back by the refs.
However, in the Bunkhouse Battle Royal, as final entrants Lance Anoa'i and Napolm Bomb fought on the apron, Matthews returned to the ring, knocking the two off to win the Bunkhouse Battle Royal, giving him the opportunity to fight for any MCW title at any time of his choosing.
The night had started before this on Facebook LIVE with The Punk Rock All-Stars (Shaun Cannon, Drake Carter) defeating The Hell Cats (Sexy Steve, Jimmy Starz). Afterwards, The Hell Cats were visibly upset with each other (see it at
WWE Hall of Famer Kevin Nash arrived to address the live crowd, saying how he enjoyed his time at MCW and thanked the crowd for being there.
Dante Caballero introduced his new friend "Swipe Right" Joe Keys to face Anthony Henry. As Dante and his cartel distracted Henry, Keys was able to hit Henry with his "Keys to Success", a rope hung swinging neckbreaker, to gain a pin.
In an exposed turnbuckles match, it was Ken Dixon that scored a victory over Ryan McBride.
WWE Hall of Famer Tony Atlas and Henry O. Godwin spoke to the MCW crowd to chants of USA, but was interrupted by Rock N Bowl, leading to a tag match with Atlas and Godwin scoring a victory.
For the MCW Rage TV Title, champion Maxwell Jacob Friedman (MJF) brought Alice McCeary with him, Dante Caballero had Carly Shae, and Greg Excellent introduced MCW to Momma Excellent. As MJF and Dante double-teamed Greg and tried to assault Momma Excellent, she low blowed them and hit them with a double stunner, leading to Greg getting a hold of MJF to score a pinfall to become the new MCW Rage TV champion.
Former Impact Wrestling Knockout champions Rosemary and Madison Rayne were defeated by former MCW Women's champion Brittany Blake.
Dirty Money won the battle against his former Ecktourage partner Eric Chapel (w/ Kevin Eck), but after the match was assaulted by Napalm Bomb.
MCW Tag Team champions Guns 4 Hire (Paul Jordane, Bill Collier) retained over Team Espana (Jos-A, Jos-B with Coach D).
In a brutal Stairway to Hell match for the MCW Pro Wrestling Heavyweight Title, after months of contention, Bruiser tapped out champion Shawn Studd with Andy Vineberg and Bruiser ex-wife Tara to become the new MCW Pro Wrestling champion for a record setting 7th Time!
With Bruiser's back turned, Joey Matthews charged the ring, hitting Bruiser over the head with the Golden Boot won during the Bunkhouse Battle Royal. He then cashed in his golden boot for his title shot, locking Bruiser in the BruiseMission! With Bruiser unconscious, ref Mike Kehner declared Matthews the winner naming him the MCW Pro Wrestling champion!
There is a huge fallout to come from all this, just starting on October 7 at the Galena Volunteer Fire Department in Galena, MD when Bruiser takes on Joey Matthews!