User: BKB
Date posted: Sat, 04 Nov 2017 23:03:32 GMT
BKB 8 - Full Results and play by plays
Fight 1 - Cruiserweight Division
Stanlee ‘Big Country’ Wilson (3-2) Vs. Ashley Gibson (0-1)
...Round 1 - Nice show of respect between this two fellas in this rematch to start the evening. Touch of fists and a straight right from Gibson. Wilson takes the centre and keep his distance before pressing forward and landing a nice left hook. Both guys feeling each other out, overhand lands from Gibson, Wilson returns with an uppercut. Gibson working the jab, overhead lands from Gibson again uppercuts form Wilson wobbles Gibson. Gibson with a slip and they restart. Gibson working the jab to set up the right hand, huge overhand from Gibson glances Wilson who just shrugs it off. Wilson misses with a left hook Gibson with another big overhand right. Wilsons eye has a welt on it. Wilson with a flurry but Gibson again returns with a big overhand over the top.
Round 2 - Touch of fists and were off. Stanlee takes the centre, Gibson with the jab from the outside. Straight right and left to the body from Gibson, left hook from Gibson glances Wilson. Wilson taking his time, slips an overhand. More jabs from Gibson, keeping the distance well. Wilson trying to work his way inside. Overhand from Gibson lands again. Wilson again shrugs it off and presses forward. Uppercut from Wilson blocked. Huge overhand lands for Gibson as Wilson pushes forward with a flurry. Overhand again glances from Gibson. Wilson with a huge body shot thuds against the ribs of Gibson.
Round 3 - touch of fists and a huge as we enter the final round. Wilson pushing forward but loading up his shots Gibson covers up well. Wilson getting active now but eats that big overhand again. Wilson eats another shot and waves Gibson on. Gibson with the volume here as Wilson is trying to tee up a big shot. Wilson with a big left hook that misses. Gibson with a hook to the body. Wilson glances Gibson with a right hand, and another one. Gibson returns fire. Wilson looking for a uppercut, Wilson breathing hard as he lands a right straight on the bell.
Ashley Gibson wins a unanimous decision in our opening fight of the evening.
Fight 2 -
Ionel Rayko Levitchi (debut) Vs. Muhammed Haroon Khan (debut)
Round 1 - Here we have two fighters making their debut tonight. Both fighters feeling each other out with jabs. Levitchi with a big hook before landing a massive straight left that drops Khan. Khan straight back to his feet.
The doctor inspects Khan and he’s waved the fight off. Looks like a broken jaw.
Levitchi with a massive win early in the first round via KO - Doctor Stoppage
Fight 3 -
Tony Lafferty (debut) Vs. Matthew Seawright (debut)
Round 1 - Touch of fists, Seawright working the jab. Jab from Lafferty. Lafferty waving Seawright on. Huge straight right to the temple from Lafferty drops Seawright and a short count and we’re on again. Lafferty with a a jab then a huge left hook drops Seawright and this one is over.
Tony Lafferty wins via Knockout 1minute 22 seconds into the first round
Fight 4 -
Andrew Davies (4-1-3) Vs. Lewis Gallant (1-1-2)
Round 1 - Touch of fists and we are off. Davies with a huge height advantage in this fight. Gallant teases with a jab before lunging with hooks. Left hook lands for Davies. Gallant looking for the big shot. Davies with a jab but Gallant slips it. Gallant throwing with power, Davies using his height to keep distance. Gallant threatening with the left hook, . Davies engages and both fighters exchange hooks to the body. Gallant working the jab and lands a nice uppercut inside. Davies with a jab. Both fighters showing welts to the body. Gallant lands a big hook before the round ends. Davies doesn’t look troubled though.
Round 2 - Both fighters taking their time with jabs before Gallant explodes, left and right hooks crashing into Davies. Davies goes does under the pressure. He’s looking like he’s struggling to see here. The fight has been waved off due to a knockout 45 seconds into the 2nd round
Lewis Gallant wins via knockout 45 seconds into round 2
Fight 5 -
Leighton Brady (debut) - Vs. Melvin ‘ Young Assassin’ Guillard - (1-2)
Round 1 - Ex UFC star Guillard back in the right since his title loss rematch against the king of the middleweights Jimmy Sweeney who is walking him out to the right in a great show of respect earned between these two. Brady with a big entourage coming into the ring. Brady goes to the body with a hook, Huge overhand right from Brady drops Guillard. Guillard is wobbling all over the place as the crowd goes mental. Brady presses forward but gets caught by Guillard and backs off. Guillard has shaken the cobwebs out as they stalk each other down. Guillard with a short left that drops Brady. Brady takes a count. Brady back to his feet. Brady works the jab, Guillard stalking looking for the uppercut as Brady looks to come over the top. Round ends.
Round 2 - Touch of fists, Guillard looking for the uppercut. Brady catches Guillard with a hook that drops him. Guillard straight back after a short count. Brady avoids a 1-2. Crowd chanting Leighton, Leibghton, atmosphere is wild. Guillard with a right hook lands clean. Brady bleeding from the mouth. Both fighters missing straights, Brady misses a hook. Guillard bating Brady into missing with his shots. Big straight lands from Guillard. Brady looking for an angle on Guillard. Both fighters miss as the round ends.
Round 3 - Final round, everything to fight for here. Guillard eats a right hand but returns with a huge flurry that puts Brady down. Brady looks hurt this time. Referee Patterson counts him out as he doesn’t make the 20 count. Huge knockout win for Melvin Guillard 40 seconds into the 3rd Round
Melvin Guillard wins via Knockout at 40 seconds of the 3rd Round
Interval -
Now back to the fights after that scorcher of a fight between Guillard Brady. Crowd is electric.
Fight 6 -
Mitchell Whitsel (debut) Vs. Peter Radford (3-4-1)
Round 1 - Radford working the jab early. Whitsel with a huge hook lands clean, then a straight left as well. Radford already bleeding from the nose as he eats a jab. Radford powering forward but takes a big left hand as he comes in. Radford again pawing the jab. Whitsel with a jab to the body. Radford with a jab. Radford misses a 1-2 but Whitsel lands a huge left hook, Radford returns with a big straight that bloodies the nose of Whitsel. Radfords nose bleeding also as he goes back to the jab. Whitsel looking for the counter. Uppercut misses for Whitsel. Combo from Radford but he gets caught with an overhand coming in before the round ends.
Round 2 - Radford working the jab, Whitsel looking to counter. Jab lands for Radford, and again. Radwell with another as Whitsel issues a hook. Radford landing the jab well again. Hook glances from Whitsel. Whitsel throwing with bad intentions but no joy yet this round. Whitsel has had a big cut opened up, as they pause for the doctor to inspect. Radfgord with a big welt to the right side of his face and a cut lip and nose himself. Fight on. Touch of fists and we’re off. Radford back on the jab and a 1- 2. Whitsel taking his time. Jab again from Radford as Whitsel is struggling to close the distance. Jab from Radford again as he dodges big hooks from Whitsel. Both fighters clinch, separated. Whitsel bleeding heavy form his eye as they jab at each other. Both fighters land a jab as the round ends.
Round 3 - Between the rounds doctors having a good look at both fighters. Touch of fists as the crowd roars. Radford working the jab, Whitsel slips. Right hand from Radford lands followed by a left hook. Whitsel not having much success with the power shots he’s throwing. Radford lands another jab as Whitsel comes in to the body. Hooks from Whitsel glances but an uppercut from Radford lands. Jab from Whitsel. Left hand from Radford wobbles Whitsel for a moment. Left hook misses from Whitsel, jab from Radford. Radford presses forward as the last ten seconds is called. Both fighters exchange but little success as the fight ends.
This fight has been ruled a draw
Fight 7 - Light Heavyweight World Title Fight (5x2)- Jimmy Mccrory (8-1-2)Vs. Goran Reljic - Champion (1-0)
Round 1 - Huge roar from the crowd for the return of the Gypsy boy BKB legend Jimmy Mccrory. Huge fight for him here against the champion the very dangerous Goran Reljic. Jimmy straight away muscling in on Reljic with hooks. Both fighters exchanging furiously. Jimmy is cut, and gets wobbles with a big straight. Both fighters teeing off but Goran having more success with the short jabs teeing up his power shots. Nice combo from Reljic bloods up Mccrory. Jimmy pushes forward but no success. Time called while the doctor checks over Jimmy. It looks like an accidental clash of heads has broken the jaw of Mcrrory.
The fight is declared a no contest.
Fight 8 - Main Event - Middleweight World Championship Fight (5x2) Julian ‘Nitrane’ Lane (debut) Vs. Jimmy ‘Celtic Warrior’ Sweeney - Champion (18-0)
Round 1 - The king of the middleweights Jimmy Sweeney here to defend his belt against ex TUF star Julian Lane. Both these fighters were very heated at the weigh ins. A lot of talk has gone into this fight, now it is time for the score to be settled. After an extended walk out both fighters staring each other down ruthlessly. This is going to be a war. The bad blood is about to be settled. Lane swearing at Sweeney as Sweeney draws out the line of battle. Lane still talking during the instructions. And we are off. No touch of fists. Lane takes the centre, pushes forward with a jab. Lane misses a big hook, Sweeney returns but Lane blocks. Lane lands a left hook as Sweeney returns with an uppercut and hook. Lane with a huge hook that drops Sweeney. Lane pushes forward again, jab from Sweeney lands flush and wobbles Lane. Sweeney firing as both fighters tie up. Lane explodes at the referee as he separates them. Jab lands from Sweeney, Lane misses a hook as Jimmy paws the kab. Sweeney lands a combo as Lane lands a hook. Jab hook lands from Sweeney, Lane is cut over his eye.
Round 2 - Lane takes the centre again, Sweeney looking for his opening, misses with a jab. Jab lands from Sweeney but Lane responds with a hook. Left hook to the jaw from Sweeney stumbles Lane. Sweeney with a jab, Sweeney opening up as Lane paces himself. Sweeney closes in with hooks, jab from Lane. Uppercut lands clean from Sweeney. left straight lands from Sweeney, jab from Lane. Jab from Sweeney. Lane bleeding. Lane biting down on his mouth piece as Sweeney lands another right hand. Lane misses a huge hook.
Round 3 - Lane takes the centre again, Jab from Sweeney lands, Lane right a left hook lands, Sweeney backs up, Lane swarms Sweeney and drops him again. Short count and Sweeney is up. Lane powers forward, huge flurry, both fighters landing but Lane lands cleaner. Left hook rocks Sweeney, both fighters tie up. Lane powering forward, overhand from Lane lands and backs up Sweeney. Sweeney trying to move and create distance. Dirty boxing in the clinch. Sweeney blooded up now as well, jab from Sweeney. Jab from Sweeney, Lane with an open slap at the end of the round.
Round 4 - Jab from Lane, he’s coming out guns blazing again. Lane hits Sweeney as the ref tries to separate them. 1 point off Lane. Sweeney working the jab again, Sweeney lands a jab, Lane charges forward with big power hooks, left glances. Sweeney pawing the jab. Sweeney more active as Lane bides his time. Lane with a jab, Lane misses a big hook. Hooks from both fighters blocked. Jab blocked by Lane, Sweeney with a jab to the body as the round ends.
Round 5 - Final round and a touch of gloves and hug show of respect. Lane powering forward again, both fighters witha wild exchange. Everything to fight for here. Jab from Sweeney. Body shot from Sweeney, Lane with a leaping hook. Left hook lands clean for Sweeney. Lane isn’t phased though eats a jab. Left hook again from Sweeney. Uppercut from Sweeney, Lane with a hook. Jab from Sweeney who’s staying on the outside. Last ten seconds and they clinch, Lane with two huge hooks towards the end of the fight.
Very tough one to call here.
Julian Lane has won via Majority decision and the NEW BKB Middleweight Champion - Julian ‘Nitrane’ Lane
No doubt a rematch will be on the cards after a war like that
Fight 9 - Daniel Podmore (0-1) — Vs. Paul ‘Titan’ Taylor (1-0)
Round 1 - Taylor taking his time as he pushes forward. Podmore lands a straight, Taylor looks very relaxed in here. Taylor with a huge hook glances Pdomore. Podmore witha jab, Taylor with some big hooks pushes Podmore back. Taylor getting in close and throwing hooks over the top. Podmore with a straight thats blocked. Taylor counters a straight with a left hook that glances Podmore. Podmore throwing some hooks that puts Taylor down, one shot as he was on the ground. Taylor taking a count. Taylor looks hurt.
This fight has been waived off 1minute and 47 seconds into the first round. This fight has been ruled a no contest due to the punch landed on the ground.
Fight 10 - Marko ‘MMM’ Martinjak Vs. Billy ‘Bang Bang’ Hawthorn
Round 1 - Rematch been a while in the making. Hawthorn lost the first via injury. Marko pushes Billy back into the corner. Marko with a one two, hook s well. Billy pushes forward but is pushed down by Marko. Marko with a left counter as Billy swings. Jab from Marko puts Hawthorn down for a moment. Short count and we’re back. Marko with a huge body shot as Hawthorn comes forward. Hawthorn is down. He doesn’t make the count as he’s badly winded.
Marvellous Marko Martinjak with a dominant first round Knockout at 1 minute 47 seconds of the first round
Fight 11 - Eric ‘Bloodaxe’ Olsen (1-3) Vs. Sean ‘Dynamite’ Donnelly (1-0)
Round 1 - The Infamous Bloodaxe returns to the U.K. Great show of respect between these two guys and were off. Donnelly misses with a one two, misses with a hook, Donnelly lands a left hook clean. Olsen taking his time, Olsen with a jab to the body. Donnelly swarms but pulls out. Olsen gets caught with a hook as he comes forward. Jab from Olsen, Donnelly again catches Olsen with a hook as he ducks his head. Donnelly looking very sharp and relaxed as Olsen struggles to land. Jab from Olsen.
Round 2 - Straight from Donnelly glances. Donnelly opens up but Olsen with some nice head movement before missing a huge swinging hook. Olsen again using some nice head movement to avoid a Donnelly onslaught. Olsen pushes forward but no success, Donnelly comes forward but gets caught right on the nose with a left hook. Donnelly is down but makes the count. Both fighters exchanging, Olsen with a jab Donnelly lands a left hook. Olsen with a jab as the round ends.
Round 3 - Last round and a hug before the punches start flying again. Both fighters feeling each other out. Olsen misses a jab before Donnelly misses a huge hook. Olsen ducks and gets caught in the ropes but takes a left hook. Jab from Olsen, hook from Olsen misses. Jab from Olsen, Donnelly lunges forward and misses with a powerful right straight. Jab from Olsen lands, Hooks miss from Donnelly. Donnelly seining with bad intentions but Olsen dodges.
This fight has been ruled a majority decision win for Olsen after 3 rounds