User: Cellar Darling
Date posted: Fri, 10 Jun 2016 15:00:44 GMT

Cellar Darling breaks free
What was hidden away is brought to light.
...We are excited to share with you that we are already hard at work on music with our new band, Cellar Darling - and that we have already confirmed a show at the end of this year! We feel incredibly inspired and will be taking the summer to write and create.
What will it sound like, you ask? We can’t yet say. All we know is that we will let creativity flow wherever it wants to go, without any limitations or concerns. You will get Ivo’s epic riffs, so it will be heavy. You will get Merlin’s drums, so it will be loud. And you will get Anna’s unique voice, so it will be both powerful and fragile. Oh, and of course we won’t neglect the hurdy gurdy!
As you might expect, we can’t wait to get back on stage. So we can already announce that on December 17th, 2016, we will join the incredible Anneke Van Giersbergen with the amazing The Gentle Storm at the final show of their tour in Amsterdam!
17.12.2016 | Melkweg | Amsterdam, NL | More info & tickets:…/agen…/the-gentle-storm-17-12-2016-2/
We cannot wait to share our new music with you, when it is ready. In the meantime, follow, like, and subscribe to make sure you’ll be among the first to know!
@cellar_darling, @merlinsutter, @annamurphymusic, and @ivo_henzi on Twitter.
Make sure to also follow Anna Murphy's and Ivo Henzi's solo projects: Anna has confirmed shows in Australia this August (she will of course bring along Ivo and Merlin, for more info and tickets), whereas Ivo will have some big news regarding Forest of Fog very, very soon (stay up to date on and