04:47:元祖アーケードトレーディングカードゲーム 「WCCF」
06:54:空前の大ヒット 「甲虫王者ムシキング」
08:44:束リーダーお披露目機 「アヴァロンの鍵」
10:11:ターゲットは女児ユーザー 「オシャレ魔女ラブandベリー」
11:42:セガAM2研の傑作 「Quest of D」
13:14:今なお衰えない人気 「三国志大戦」
【実施日程】2021年1月23日(土)・24日(日) 時間指定 合計3回実施予定
【受験方式】WEB受験方式 (PCやスマートフォンなどからご参加いただけます。)
The 3rd Session of SEGA SEMINAR: Arcade Games Lecture by Prof. Nishimura.
This winter, you get to know SEGA more.
The official online course for the “SEGA TEST” that is to be held to celebrate the 60th Anniversary of SEGA on JAN 23-24, 2021(JST)has begun!
The 3rd session is about SEGA’s arcade games taught by Professor Nishimura.
It would not be an exaggeration to say that SEGA has opened up the arcade game market. We will take a closer look at the secrets of arcade trading card games, which appeared like a comet in the early 2000s, when the market was maturing...!
<SEGA TEST Overview>
Test Schedule:January 23-24, 2021. Held 3 times total over 2 days.
Test method:WEB test(Participate from your PC or smart devices.)
Number of Questions:60 questions(60 points)
Time Limit:60 minutes
What Questions Will Cover:A wide range of topics related to SEGA and SEGA Group companies’ operations.
#せが四郎 #SEGA60th #GOSEGA
#セガい共通テスト #SEGATEST #セガゼミ #SEGASEMINAR