Original upload date: Tue, 20 Jun 2017 00:00:00 GMT
Archive date: Fri, 03 Dec 2021 23:58:21 GMT
"Giving to the Poor" looks at the importance of secret giving. It also explores some possible exceptions to this command of Jesus; how helping the poor and needy can inspire others to give, and how it
can be done more effectively when we work together in Christian community.
Some people spend their time bragging about giving to the poor. However, if we boast and brag about helping the poor, there are consequences.
What are these consequences? What does Jesus say about rewards? And how do we make sure we don't lose our spiritual treasures in heaven?
Produced by: Clare
Narrated by: Dave
Written by: Dave
TO CONTACT: Email [email protected]
What is "A Voice in the Desert"?
A Voice in the Desert is anonymous. Its purpose is to point people to the message, rather than the messenger. Most modern day prophets promote themselves more than the teachings of Jesus and the true message of Revelation. A Voice in the Desert challenges that error and more. Some of the things you hear on this channel may be difficult to understand, and may offend you. The goal, however, is to sweep away dogmas and traditions to reveal what Jesus actually taught.
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-"Head of Christ. artist: Ariel Agemian" by Waiting For The
Word (https://goo.gl/WyX5BD) CC BY 2.0
-"3D Shackled Debt" by Chris Potter (https://goo.gl/dzRSoi) CC BY 2.0
Videos: https://www.youtube.com/
- "Sand blows on the Great Sand Dunes" by Kelly Kochanski
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