LOOK WHAT I DID music video: 'Sebastian's Analog Prison'
Uploader: Look What I Did
Original upload date: Mon, 15 Jul 2013 00:00:00 GMT
Archive date: Tue, 30 Nov 2021 18:19:32 GMT
http://www.facebook.com/lookwhatidid - Lyrics, Script, and Credits Below
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'Sebastian's Analog Prison' will appear on the forthcoming
LWID rock opera Zanzibar III: Analog Prison, due out later this year.
Episode 3: Sebastian's Analog Prison - Lyrics, Script
Having been condemned to Zanzibar's secret prison, Sebastian sits in a wretched cobbled and dusty cell, slumped before a small window, peering at the moon. He pines for his fiance Sasha.
Sebastian is mournful and melancholy as he sings in vain to his betrothed.
Sebastian: "both our hearts beat
under the same sky
the only comfort in this cell
is in that sky
Sebastian becomes frustrated and angry with his situation.
Sebastian: "And I'm locked in jail
and I've been in here
so damned long
I think I'll lose my mind
and I'm trapped in Hell
and when
I get out
I will rescue her
and we'll fight until we're"
Sebastian's confidence grows.
Sebastian: "Free!
Cause these walls
are closing in on me
These walls, these walls
are closing in on me
These walls are so threatening
and closing in on me
these walls, these walls
are closing in on me
and when I get out
I will rescue her
and we'll fight until we're
Determined now to escape, Sebastian turns his thoughts to Sasha as he formulates his plan.
Sebastian: "Both our hearts beat
under the same sky
the only comfort in this cell
is in that sky
Look What I Did is:
Ty Coughlin
Aaron "Skeet" Childress
Chris Bradley
Jake Omen
Barry Donegan
Video directed by Joey Fuller and Aaron "Skeet" Childress
Song recorded, produced, and mixed by Chris Bradley
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