B.C. II: Grog's Revenge / グロッグス・リベンジ (MSX)
(C) 1985 Sydney Development Corp. / Sierra On Line / Comptiq
- 34 years later, the MSX version of the game is *finally* fixed, thanks to the help of FX (special thanks to Araubi for acting as the middleman): http://msxfx.blogspot.com/2019/02/nuevo-parcheo-bc-ii-grogs-revenge.html
- The MSX version was also published by US Gold, Erbe Software, Eaglesoft, and Spectravideo for different regions. The Japanese Comptiq release came on ROM cartridge, while the rest came on cassette format.
- All MSX releases of the game are bugged and can't be beaten. It's the same thing with one of the ColecoVision versions (Coleco Canada version works, at least!).
- Grog's Revenge was also released for ColecoVision, Coleco ADAM and Commodore 64.
- There was supposed to be Atari 8-bit, ZX Spectrum, BBC Micro, and Amstrad versions of the game, but they were all cancelled in the end.
- The Commodore 64 and Coleco ADAM versions have most levels to play, thanks to being able to choose from three different sets of levels. They all have the same ending scene, however.
- There's a hidden easter egg message in the "Comptiq presents" screen of the MSX version, when you press the F and H keys at the same time (thanks to NYYRIKKI for finding this one!).
Codes to reach Level F faster (you can only skip one level at a time):
Level A: When inside the first cave, type 22 (warps you to Level B)
Level B: When inside the first cave, type 23 (warps you to Level C)
Level C: When inside the first cave, type 44 (warps you to Level D)
Level D: Move right, turn around the corner, move right, turn around the corner, enter the cave, enter it again and type 45 when inside (warps you to Level E)
Level E: Move right, turn around the corner, enter the cave, enter it again and type 62 when inside (warps you to Level F)