Follow Jesus...As Though He Is Real!
Uploader: A Voice In The Desert
Original upload date: Sun, 29 Mar 2020 00:00:00 GMT
Archive date: Fri, 03 Dec 2021 23:48:51 GMT
Do you have real faith? Or is God, eternal life, and obedience to Jesus just a theory? This radical Christian sermon gets you to consider what it would be like to put your faith into action and obey J
esus as though he is real, and as though you really believe what he said. Religious indoctrination has people talking about faith but never actually getting up off their backsides to follow they say they believe they should do. Faith with works is secretly thought to be some form of extreme Christianity, even though the Bible really says otherwise. If you are willing to do more than just talk faith, and to actually obey the teachings of Jesus, then come along with us and prepare to have your life turned upside down and inside out!
Produced by: COMO Team
Narrated by: Felipe
Written by: Dave
What is "A Voice in the Desert"?
A Voice in the Desert is anonymous. Its purpose is to point people to the message, rather than the messenger. Most modern day prophets promote themselves more than the teachings of Jesus and the true message of Revelation. A Voice in the Desert challenges that error and more. Some of the things you hear on this channel may be difficult to understand, and may offend you. The goal, however, is to sweep away dogmas and traditions to reveal what Jesus actually taught.
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