Original upload date: Sun, 24 Feb 2013 00:00:00 GMT
Archive date: Fri, 03 Dec 2021 00:18:43 GMT
Little back-ground information about Charles Manson's life that not many knows about him: He was sent to Boystown Nebraska at early age. Child-rape. Charlie was there. Revolution in LA and Africa...ci
vil rights, etc. Meanwhile in LA when the big black drug dealer the Panther connected Lotsapoppa wanted to take the life of that girl Charlie kneeled down and offered his own life instead to save the girl. And he did it. No words only... Charlie did it. Actions speak louder than words. Regardless the crime was horrible but it was not Charlie it was Tex Watson and the girls. That is a fact.
Pizzagate and Franklin Cover Up in Boystown, Nebraska that is the place where little Charlie Manson was sent to at age 13. He was even pictured in the papers as it was a great reward in a life of an orphan or unwanted child. He told you he was there in Boystown and he told you he wasn't there when the murders took place in 1969. No one heard him and not many wants to hear him now either... Truth hurts.