Become significant: How we decide and how to inspire new decisions. | Joah Santos | TEDxPorto
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Original upload date: Wed, 23 May 2018 00:00:00 GMT
Archive date: Thu, 02 Dec 2021 04:48:14 GMT
We created the Point Of View: P.O.V., or Purpose, Ownership & Values.
What we found out is that we cannot escape what evolution has created. We make decisions based on a functional benefit, emotional
benefit and a social benefit. Including how we decide about lottery winnings or the future of human beings.
After all, people want three things to be truly happy in this world:
- someone to love (emotional benefit),
- something to do (functional benefit), and
- something to hope for (social benefit).
When you you are faced with a greatly better solution, people change. Just like candles to light bulbs. Joah Santos é um executivo empresarial internacional, orador e professor. É o atual consultor executivo para o crescimento no grupo Nylon. Ficou conhecido por criar o processo Point of View/ P.O.V.: Purpose | Ownership | Value/Vision. Esta estratégia de marketing foi inicialmente usada para criar aquilo que a AdAge intitulou a Campanha do Século. Joah pertence à nova geração de criativos que acreditam que o marketing é o negócio de fazer as pessoas felizes e não o de contar histórias ou piadas apenas para conseguir captar atenção. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
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