Original upload date: Wed, 22 Jun 2011 00:00:00 GMT
Archive date: Mon, 06 Dec 2021 22:55:34 GMT
A short clip demonstrating some of the ground-breaking work by Kevin Kingsland. Kevin died on May 11th, 2011 but for forty years his focus in life was psychology, which he championed as the fundamenta
l science, vividly articulating how our understanding of physics and mathematics both emerge from our psychology as human beings.
He invented and offered Spectrum Theory as a tool for human communication. For him it was about how we construct our experience of reality and as such underpinned all our endeavours. He developed a profound view of the whole person.
Kevin's used his seven level colour model to expand understanding of interpersonal communication and the nature of social organisation. From these flowed insight into how our mind emerges from a distinction and how its multilevel structure unfolds.
He applied spectrum theory to illuminate ancient yoga practices, demonstrating how chakras are strange attractors which form a complex, self organising system. He was delighted when the new science of complexity emerged in the eighties and nineties - it validated much of what he had written in the seventies! No doubt Kevin was a reincarnation of Gorakshanath, the great polymath of the 11th century.
This clip was created by of Innovation Bubble Limited and Nigel Marlowe, although delivered to me directly by Kevin.