(September 19, 1987) WNYW-TV Fox 5 New York Commercials
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Original upload date: Wed, 02 Oct 2019 00:00:00 GMT
Archive date: Wed, 22 Dec 2021 03:10:31 GMT
Commercials that aired during the rebroadcasting of the pilot episode of the TV series "Werewolf"
1. Werewolf Intro
2. Kentucky Fried Chicken & Prestone sponsors
3. Prestone Advancd Formula
4. Kentuc
ky Fried Chicken's Chicken Little Sandwiches
5. Michelob Light Beer
6. Shirmack Salon Hair Products
7. 39th Annual Emmy Awards FOX promo
8. First Few seconds of film
9. Dexatrim
10. Textra Hair Products
11. Kraft Macaroni & Cheese
12. Shout Stain Eraser
13. Dairy Butter
14. 21 Jump Street FOX promo
15. WWF Stretch Wrestlers
16. NBO
17. 'Werewolf' bumper
18. Stick Ups Air Fresheners
19. Scruples
20. Chlor-Trimeton
21. American Express Card
22. Arrid Extra Dry Spray
23. The New Adventures of Beans Baxter FOX promo
24. Mexico
25. (same as #17)
26. Fresh Start Laundry Detergent
27. Pledge Cleaner
28. Alberto Mousse
29. Sears
30. (same as #7)
31. ????
32. Family Ties Fox 5 syndicated promo
33. FOX ID (1987)
34. (same as #9 & #3)
35. Miracle-Whip
36. Toyota 4Runner
37. Second Chance FOX promo
38. American Airlines
39. (same as #17)
40. Honey Nut Cheerios
41. (same as #26)
42. Nuprin
43. (same as #7)
44. New York Telephone
45. (same as #10 & #16)
46. Velveeta Shells & Cheese Dinner
47. (same as #9, #12 & #13)
48. Duet FOX promo
49. (same as #31)
50. Colgate & Pontiac Sponsors
51. Pontiac Automobiles
52. Colgate Tarter Control Toothpaste
53. (same as #4)
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