Trapper's Life (The Flummies)
Uploader: oldirishladdie
Original upload date: Mon, 12 Apr 2010 00:00:00 GMT
Archive date: Tue, 07 Dec 2021 10:59:33 GMT
This video is featured with lyrics and more at mobile-friendly
GEST Songs of Newfoundland and Labrador:
Trapper's Life is an excellent variant of the first s
ong ever written (1972) by Eldred Mesher, singer, songwriter and guitarist for the Flummies from Paradise River and Happy Valley—Goose Bay, Labrador, recorded on The Flummies' 2005 25th Anniversary CD with DVD, trk#4. Alton Best from Mud Lake and Richard Dyson from Batteau are original members of the group formed in 1978. Leander Baikie of Northwest River officially joined in 1999 after several years of periodic performances. Eugene (Tunker) Campbell from Rigolet and Mulligan joined in 1989. And Simeon Asivak from Makkovik joined in 1999.
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