Original upload date: Thu, 19 Nov 2020 00:00:00 GMT
Archive date: Mon, 06 Dec 2021 13:56:58 GMT
Alan Dershowitz is generally regarded as America’s most prominent constitutional lawyer, as well as a leading civil liberties advocate. Among those he has represented or acted as a consultant for were
both Bill Clinton and Donald Trump when they were impeached. He is currently assisting WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, who the US is trying to extradite from London on criminal charges.
In this discussion with Tom Gross, whom he has known for 25 years, Prof. Dershowitz talks about his life and career, about some of the fascinating people he has met or represented, about ‘cancel culture’ and the current state of liberalism, and about the mistreatment of Israel. He explains why, though he is still a passionate Democrat, he believes Trump deserves a Nobel peace prize for his Mideast peace efforts. And how a Biden presidency may deal with the Mideast. And why he is suing CNN.
(Discussion by zoom with Tom Gross, November 19, 2020.)
* Other videos in this “Conversations with friends” series can be viewed here:
Tom Gross talks with friends around the world about their lives. They include world-renowned musicians, historians, newspaper columnists, retired intelligence officers, Palestinian academics and journalists, and Oscar-nominated screenwriters.
(You need to press “load more” at the foot of the webpage to see or listen to the remaining videos.)
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