Original upload date: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 00:00:00 GMT
Archive date: Tue, 21 Dec 2021 22:08:35 GMT
I want to formally thank Anne Rice and Becket for arranging this interview!! This was such a great honor to do an interview, with a writer that most certainly made all readers, at some point, undergo
some kind of paradigmatic shift of some kind.
In this first portion, there is clarification about where the next Lestat book, Prince Lestat, falls chronologically in the series, some news about the Talmasca and more!
The video quality of the second video might appear more polished and crisper, as Anne's Iphone was used to film the remaining segment. My poor, low-tech (now technologically obsolete) Canon Elf camera ran out of memory on the memory card I had with me.
So, there may be some continuity issues, especially towards the end. Again, it all went fairly problem-free in the end!
If you are interested in joining the Lestat Book Coven to revive the intellectual discourse about Anne Rice's "Vampire Chronicles," please be sure to pay a visit to my blog, A Bibliophile's Reverie at http://www.bibliophilesreverie.com/