Metrocon 2012: Crispin Freeman Panel
Uploader: TJOmega
Original upload date: Tue, 18 Jun 2013 00:00:00 GMT
Archive date: Wed, 01 Dec 2021 11:48:31 GMT
Metrocon 2013 is right around the corner! For more info go here:
Crispin Freeman is probably one of the most engaging guests to listen to that Metrocon ever invited.
Here we get insight on mythology, the voice acting industry, getting old casts back together, and the one time he cosplayed his own character. To jump to a question or to see what question was asked, check the timecodes below:
01:31 - A part of mythology you dont like?
04:03 - Have you ever read Percy Jackson?
04:30 - Were there any difficulties dubbing Hellsing with the ownership change?
06:22 - If you're not Funimation, what are you? (How Slayers Revolution was dubbed)
10:18 - One piece of advice for aspiring voice actors
11:10 - Difficulties adapting material for dubbing?
14:00 - Do you have to research other cultures when adapting material?
18:41 - Have you cosplayed your own characters?
20:57 - Creating Asaba's lines in His and Her Circumstances
22:20 - Did you learn anything from your work on Soul Calibur?
25:11 - Experience working on Irresponsible Captain Tylor?
28:53 - Favorite and least favorite character?
29:47 - How did your presentations in Japan turn out?
32:32 - Voice of Electro from Spectacular Spider-Man
33:28 - What would happen if Alucard met Albedo?
34:42 - Line request for Kyon
35:09 - Favorite storyline from Haruhi Suzumiya?
35:55 - What was it like being Electro?
38:46 - Did you research comics to play Red Arrow?
40:21 - Insight on Red Arrow and Cheshire?
41:52 - How long did it take to record Kyon's parts in Haruhi Suzumiya?
44:00 - What do you think of superheroes as modern mythology?
47:55 - What do you think of the decline of the anime industry?
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Theme: Shiny Tech
Ad Music: Chucky the Construction Worker (BBTS)
Ad Music: Presentrator (HLJ)
Songs Performed by Kevin MacLeod, licensed under Creative Commons 3.0
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