9/11 Flight 93 Victim Jeremy Glick Family Interview On Dateline
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Original upload date: Mon, 14 Nov 2011 00:00:00 GMT
Archive date: Tue, 07 Dec 2021 02:43:44 GMT
September 14th 2001. A plane did not crash in a field in Shanksville. There was no hijackers, and these people are phony paid actors. Hijackers with red bandannas and a bomb requesting a change of cou
rse to Reagan National Airport after enjoying their in flight breakfast did not happen. This is all a story added in to surpress the critisim of George Bush for not returning to Washington that was loud in the media at the time. The people that hired Alice Hoaglan also hired these actors to create an emotional story to divert and protect from any scientific or public investigation of the missing plane and the smoking crater. A weak emotional story trumps science, reason, and logic when it comes to fear, tell them a caveman did it and get mad or cry. Add enough emotional acting and people will believe aliens helped bigfoot make the planes disappear.
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