Original upload date: Fri, 11 Jun 2021 00:00:00 GMT
Archive date: Tue, 07 Dec 2021 14:06:19 GMT
Finally, a use for math!
Winner of Best Song at the 2021 Pwnie Awards: https://pwnies.com/winners/
New tech songs drop first on Twitter: https://twitter.com/forrestbrazeal
Music and lyrics by Forres
t Brazeal:
One day I asked my teacher, What use is math to me?
She answered: When you're older, some day my boy you'll see...
There's a world of computer systems out there
Full of valuable data and not secured with care
And you can make a fortune in ransomware...
With a little bit of math!
It's called encryption,
Just a little bit of math,
Cause a conniption;
Lock the data, hide the key;
They'll pay up eventually,
It's the power of math.
Ransomware is big now
Because it's organized
You can buy it as a service
And sell it for a prize
There's a whole world of tempting targets to hack -
Governments, hospitals, schools to attack
And they pay up in Bitcoin, hard to trace back;
`Cause it's just math!
We call it crypto!
Just a...actually a whole bunch of math
No need to tiptoe,
Hackers whisper, don't be nervous,
We take pride in customer service...
Well then I told my teacher, I'm feeling terrified;
How can we protect ourselves from all this cybercrime?
She said, Don't click weird links, or use "password123".
Make offline backups, invest in security.
And that's when I realized how screwed we might be...
Just do the math!
So many systems
If they all took a bath
Wouldn't we miss them?
Next time there's no meat or water or gas
And we slide a little closer to the day of wrath
You can blame IT, or some Russian sociopath
But personally, I blame math.