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Original upload date: Sun, 07 May 2017 00:00:00 GMT
Archive date: Thu, 02 Dec 2021 07:40:33 GMT
In this installment of Ripper the Clown's Brush with Greatness Podcast, Ripper publishes his 2001 interview with WCW & WWF wrestler, Maxx Payne. In this lengthy and detailed interview, Maxx Payne talk
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s about: growing up with wrestling in school; being in the film Take Down; training with Red Bastein; working and training in Japan; rooming and training with Chris Benoit; Bruiser Brody; Japanese fans vs American fans; how the Japanese media views wrestling; how the name Maxx Payne originated with Max Headroom; how Jerry the King Lawler treated his gimmick; the post-WWF territory system; working in Memphis; running his own territory; working with Louie Spicolli; how he left a job at Microsoft after he received a call from Chris Benoit; his views on Cowboy Bill Watts; working with Dustin Rhodes on his first WCW PPV match; his goals in wrestling to move into a behind-the-scenes role; Jesse Ventura as an announcer; a conversation about his character with Bill Dundee; how the company didn't want to push his character; how his Maxx Payne T-shirts were custom made; his belief that Stone Cold Steve Austin ripped off the skull style of his t-shirts for the Stone Cold gimmick; the WCW locker room morale; the smallest check he received from WCW; drugs in wrestling; Brian James aka The Road Dogg; getting busted for pot; his desires to be an announcer; Vince McMahon; the gimmick that was supposed to occur with the Road Dogg; cliques in WCW and the WWF--Dusty Rhodes, Ric Flair, Kevin Nash, Shawn Michaels,
Scott Hall; working with Johnny B Badd aka Marc Mero; his dislike of the Nasty Boys; working with Bob Backlund and Louis Spicolli in the WWF; working hardcore matches with Chris Benoit and Fit Finlay in Europe; his love for amateur wrestling and how hardcore style was against his values; how hardcore matches are not what pro wrestling is supposed to be; the hardcore tag title match in Chicago: Cactus Jack & Maxx Payne vs The Nasty Boys and how that match was the highest and lowest point of his career, and yet, he's not proud of it; the sale of WCW to the WWF; incidents with the Nasty Boys including the match where Brian Knobbs broke his shoulder; how the Nasty Boys ordered him and Cactus Jack around backstage; explaining how the incident with Knobbs took place and how Knobbs took revenge in the Chicago street fight by hitting him with a table; How Eric Bischoff was pissed at him for injuring Knobbs and buried him thereafter; how he would always
be nice to the enhancement talent--job guys; how Vader and the Nasty Boys would abuse the job guys; working with Vader and how Vader respected him because he was a legit tough guy; talking to Mick Foley about how kayfabe needed to end; meeting and talking with Vince McMahon in his office; how Ravishing Rick Rude helped him get a job with the WWF; how Rick Rude was a dear friend to him; his beliefs on why Maxx Payne was the precursor to the Undertaker; how Rude literally called Vince McMahon and got MAxx into the WWF; how he begged Vince McMahon to be Maxx Payne; how he hated the Man Mountain Rock gimmick and name; loving Alice Cooper; how he filmed on the road to prove to Vince that he was over; how the wrestlers reacted to his filming the tour;
Bam Bam Bigelow's reaction to the camera; the release (that never happened) of The Thing That Should Not Be; is wrestling fake?
The multi-award winning Ripper the Clown comedy trilogy (Zombie, Time Travel and Alien Abduction / UFO Invasion) is available on Amazon.com:
The Life & Mimes (& Zombie Apocalypse) of Ripper the Clown: The Autobiography of an Unconventional Zombie:
The Life & Mimes (& Various Times) of Ripper the Clown: The Autobiography of an Unconventional Time Traveler
The Life & Mimes (& Alien Invasion) of Ripper the Clown: The Autobiography of an Unconventional UFO Abductee:
Rogue Shirt: by barbershopwindow.com
Screw You! steampunk sunglasses by http://hitek-webstore.com/
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