Original upload date: Sat, 19 Jun 2021 00:00:00 GMT
Archive date: Thu, 02 Dec 2021 05:59:45 GMT
If you've been a Stargate fan for more than five minutes, you've seen the question asked in online forums: What happened to Jessica Steen as "Elizabeth Weir?" The list of roles in Stargate that were c
redited to more than one actor is small, and fans always think they've read the right answer.
Jessica joins us in this very special episode of Dial the Gate to dispel rumors and set the record straight from her point of view. We are fortunate to get the time with the actor to discuss her pivotal performance in not only SG-1, but her personal background, her time on the ongoing Canadian series "Heartland", as well as "Armageddon," "Captain Power" and many more.
Tremendous thanks to the numerous fans who submitted their questions early for this pre-recorded interview!
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