Original upload date: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 00:00:00 GMT
Archive date: Mon, 29 Nov 2021 21:21:54 GMT
A quality debate between individuals who are well-qualified to discuss the issues of evolution and accompanying assumptions in school curriculums.
Dr. Stephen Palumbi is a Harvard biology professor
who seems to be much more intellectual and respectful than Richard Dawkins in his arguments against the inclusion of intelligent design in the school curriculum. And Dr. Jonathan Wells, is one of the most intelligent and transparent Intelligent design advocate I ever knew.
In this debate, you will see that there are things in common, as well as differences between the debaters. It is essential to note all of them and evaluate each of their arguments carefully without bias.
A good departure from the substanceless debates with New Atheists, who uses more strawmans and ad hominems than actual intelligent arguments to support their views.
A discussion (or debate, if you will) at John F. Kennedy School of government and politics between Dr. Jonathan Wells, a phD of cell and molecular Biology at UC Berkeley and Professor of Biology Dr. Stephen Palumbi at Harvard University concerning the need for a critical evaluation of the teaching of darwinist evolution currently taught in schools.
-Is there a need to teach the scientific critical thinking along with evolutionary theory and the philosophical assumptions made or just the evolutionary theory with no questions askable?
- Should we teach creationism in schools?
- What are the kinds of evolution that are well-supported? And what aren't?
- Were schools trying to "shove theories down students' throats" without giving them opportunity to think critically?
- Were schools censoring certain things from students in schools? Should those be allowed?