Crashdiet rockklassiker Interview 04-02-2005
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Archive date: Thu, 02 Dec 2021 17:03:43 GMT
Crashdïet interview 2005 4th February Rockklassiker 106.7 Radio, Stockholm, Sweden
The interview in english:
first the show host talks about the schedule of the radio channel and then...
Show host:
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Crashdiet played live here a moment ago and that was the single "Riot in Everyone" they played and now Eric.. drummer in the band step forward.
Eric: Yeah, God morning
Female Host: How are you?
Eric: I'm good, it's early but it works.
Female Host: You where actually the first one that stept up and whent to the microphone.
Eric: Yes, i took care of that, so we can get over with it.
Male Host: are you the spokesman in the band?
Eric: No we are all spokesman and this time it was my turn, spokesman of the day.
Female Host: Now Eric, Crashdiet is for many people a totally new band and you are kinda young right and you havent been doing this for so long right?
Eric: Well the band has been around for about five years i think and this lineup has been since 2002, the end of 2002 or the beginning of 2003 so thats two years and kinda new yeah.
Male Host: That must have gone pretty fast right since your recording a record now.
Eric: Yes were right in the middle of the recording and we think it will be out somwhere in the end of April or the beginning of May, and like you said some bands are playing for like ten years and don't get anywhere, we have been playing for only two years.
Female Host: Was it something special that made it go that fast i mean that you got a record deal, was it something special besides that you are so good.
Eric: I don't know, it...
Female Host: Did you threaten them?
Eric: Yes... No we where hanging out side Systembolaget (a liquor store) and it was probably because we looked damn hard.
Male Host: Did you stood there and played or what?
Eric: No we where sitting and.. drinking, just when they had opened where we lying there, drinking wine and having a good time.
Male Host: But okej, so they just saw you and said: "HIM WE WILL HAVE".
Eric: Yeah so we gave them a demo and later they stayed in touch. So thats a tip to everyone, just lay outside systembolaget and have a demo in your pocket so...
Female Host: Yeah when i was in västergötlan there was a guy with his demo in his pocket and he said: " i have actually made a record" so maybe you always should bring your demo if someone turns up. Well are you gonna play anymore gigs besides what your doing here?
Eric: Yeah our next gig is the 28th february at cafe 44 and thats a "no ages gig" and open for all ages so its just to get there and rock out, and thats usually interesting with "no ages gigs" so everybody can get in.
Female Host: Thats kinda bad wíth all the age limites because there is a lot of people that likes the music but can't hear it. So 24th february at cafe 44 and when did you say the record should be out?
Eric: In the end of April or the beginnig of May but it might take more time like anything else.
Male Host: Website?
Eric: Website: www.crashdiet.org
Female Host: Org!! i find that hard with all the ending words, yesterday we had "biz" i have never heard that before. Yeah well okej Eric you go sit behind your drums and you will do another song right, what song is it?
Eric: It will be "Knokk em' Down".
Female Host: Okej "Knokk em' Down".