Congressman Dennis J. Kucinich from Ohio's 10th District
Uploader: electdennis
Original upload date: Tue, 22 Jan 2008 00:00:00 GMT
Archive date: Tue, 07 Dec 2021 03:54:44 GMT
I want to thank you for your support of our efforts to end the war, to create a not for profit healthcare system and take America in a new direction, so that we can have a gove
rnment we can truly call our own
In connection with that, as you know, I'm running for re-election to the United States Congress
And I need your help to make sure that I stay in Congress
Right now I'm under attack by corporate interests, most of them from the city of Cleveland, who have an agenda, that has nothing to do with the people of my community nor with most people in this country
And so, what I'm asking you to do, to help me stay in Congress, so that I can continue to represent the people of my community, the state of Ohio and the United States of America
I need you, right now, to go to that place on the website, where you can contribute
To send a check or to phone in a contribution
I need you to contribute at least $100 to make sure that I can continue my work in the United States Congress
And if you can, to help me raise, with the help of your friends and relatives $1000
If you can help us with this fundraising effort I'll be assured of a victory in the primary election which is only six weeks away
Already television commercials are flooding the Cleveland airwaves with a message that is designed to try to knock me out of office
I've served with honor and dignity in the United States House of Representatives
I've led the effort against the war and for peace and for fair trade and for a not for profit healthcare system
And now I need you to make sure that I can continue this work
Please contribute now
Help us now
I cannot stress strongly enough, the importance of you responding immediately
We need to go on TV immediately to answer the kind of attacks that are occurring
I want to thank you for the great support you've shown me over the years
But I can tell you that now more than ever your support is going to be essential so that I can continue my work in the United States Congress
So please give at least $100 dollars if you're able to, help me raise at least $1000, if you're able to
Enable me to continue to stand up and speak out for the people of Cleveland whose concerns are so much similar to the concerns of people all over this country
I appreciate the opportunity to be someone who you rely on in Congress
Help me continue to do just that
Thank you.
Video by Chad Ely.
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