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Jewish rock duo Simcha & Gorfinkel's first single, the self-penned
"Members Of The Tribe (M.O.T.)" exposes the constant and ever-entertaining tension between these reluctant partners: the hopelessly secular "Simcha" and the proudly orthodox "Gorfinkel". Despite their opposite approaches to Judaism, Simcha & Gorfinkel both self-describe as Members of the Tribe. "Simcha" is singer-songwriter Sean Altman, the creator of the risque' comedy song act JEWMONGOUS and the founder and ex-leader of a cappella legends Rockapella. "Gorfinkel" is international Jew of Mystery Jordan B. Gorfinkel, a renowned cartoonist and producer of Jewish a capella. Yes; the duo will play your JCC, shul or Hillel for a large sum if you contact them at Video directed by Jeff Thacher. Recording produced by Jon Spurney and Sean Altman.
MOT, MOT, more than one way to be, MOT, MOT, that's me!
He wears a beanie and 17 times a day stops to pray.
He sips a martini in silk pajamas while playing croquet.
He wears fringes and eats only boiled foods with no taste.
When he binges no part of the pig goes to waste.
But we're both members of the tribe, albeit with a different vibe.
Opposite head to toe, identical down below.
We're two flavors of knishes, we're two separate sets of dishes.
But we both self-describe, as members of the tribe.
Hey Ho! MOT, MOT, We parted the red sea.
MOT, MOT, that's me! Hey!
That guy mixes with scantily clad shiksas in open-toed shoes.
That guy parties by circle dancing with dudes.
Not only does he not go to the synagogue on shabbos, he operates machinery,
handles money and turns lights on and off all day instead.
That guy wraps his arms with straps and a box to his head.
But we're both members of the tribe, albeit with a different vibe.
Opposite head to toe, From Sarah's embryo.
We're two flavors of knishes, we're two separate sets of dishes.
But we both self-describe, as members of the tribe.
Nai nai...Bah-bah.
We're both Members of the tribe, albeit with a different vibe.
Opposite head to toes, with the same semitic nose.
We're two flavors of knishes, who both enjoy smoked fishes.
But we both self-describe, as Members of the tribe.
Hey, ho, MOT, MOT, we like the minor key.
MOT, MOT, that's me! Hey!