Original upload date: Tue, 19 Jun 2018 00:00:00 GMT
Archive date: Tue, 21 Dec 2021 21:18:44 GMT
If you are a resident of the valley or an explorer, you can often come across lion sculptures in the entrance of different temples. Often found in pair, this lion-like creature with wings is called Si
ngha. It is believed to be the protector of dharma and has powerful mythic protective benefits, which is why, it is often constructed in the entrances as guardians of the place. Around the valley itself, there is variation in the structure of Singha from temple to temple, however the purpose is same. The concept actually originated and became popular in Chinese Buddhism which subsequently spread to other parts of Asia including, Japan, Korea, Tibet, Thailand, Burma, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Laos and Nepal. Each country having their own local name for it and different version of story of it. However, in Nepal there is no definite story except for an assumption that it is an adaptation from Chinese culture to keep our temples protected from bad energy.