Clinton's Angry Response to Heckler
Uploader: Matt Carrell
Original upload date: Thu, 30 Mar 2006 00:00:00 GMT
Archive date: Mon, 29 Nov 2021 21:28:54 GMT
Background: The time was 1992, prior to the presidential election in the US. Domestic issues were of the highest concern. Terrorism had not yet happened domesticly in the United States on any signi
ficant level that people would remember. George Herbert Hoover Walker Bush (George Bush senior) was president seeking relection following a successful war in Iraq, but facing a very weak showing in fixing mounting domestic issues. Bill Clinton was running for the first time and was focusing on domestic issues as a "New Democrat" moderate. Clinton gave a series of public speakings all across the US to showcase his stance on domestic issues.
In this video: Bill Clinton was speaking in favor of condoms in public schools when he got heckled by a guy (I think it might have been the activitist who called himself "Luke Sissyfag" (aka Luke Montgomery). Clinton, agitated, responds swiftly to the heckling and gives him a pointed lecture about being courteous.
Due to heavy influx of spam in comments and off-color comments that range towards harassment of other users, combined with the fact I no-longer have time to wade through moderating dozens of comments a day, further comments are now disabled. Please note that flame mail will fail to entice me to spend my valuable time moderating comments for this channel again. Thanks to all who contributed something worthwhile to the discussion. This discussion area has officially expired. The video, however, will remain.
YouTube user DarkNowInDachau has sent in further information that "The man that interrupted President Clinton was in fact Bob Rafsky, not 'Luke Sissyfag.' Rafsky was a member of Act Up, an AIDS activist awareness group."
Another YouTube user Philip Brubaker send contradictory info that "...the name of the person who "heckled" Clinton is Peter Staley. He is an AIDS activist and the complete confrontation between them is in the new documentary, "How to Survive a Plague." . . . the whole exchange is more than just Clinton putting a heckler in his place. They attempted to reach an understanding, and this is when Clinton said his famous "I feel your pain" remark. Some more context would be illuminating for the people who see this video, and I recommend watching the documentary if this moment in history is interesting to you."
(I am working on validating the true identity of the heckler once and for all.. )
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