Original upload date: Tue, 15 Oct 2019 00:00:00 GMT
Archive date: Mon, 06 Dec 2021 14:06:20 GMT
Tom Gross: It should be a strategic long-term aim of the democratic world to create an independent Kurdish state, and stop the Kurds being betrayed again and again (International affairs commentator T
om Gross, i24 news. October 15, 2019)
You may wish to also see these short clips:
* The West should support an independent Kurdish state https://youtu.be/9fnqsW9QPqI
* “The least casualty-ridden, most effective US troop presence anywhere in the world.” https://youtu.be/To_56sfDL90
* Did Erdogan deliberately let ISIS loose? Will Hezbollah be given free passage? https://youtu.be/-pZlFMz_cqk
* US should create no-fly zone to protect Syrian Kurds as they did for Iraqi Kurds https://youtu.be/Qqzv-mX1gyw
* Why Jews are particularly sympathetic to Kurds (Remembering Halabja) https://youtu.be/GWDCyOyCmzM