Original upload date: Mon, 29 Jun 2015 00:00:00 GMT
Archive date: Thu, 02 Dec 2021 23:59:06 GMT
Featuring Matt Parker, who also wrote a book: http://bit.ly/Matt_4D_US
More links & stuff in full description below ↓↓↓
Animation by Pete McPartlan
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Videos by Brady Haran
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Thanks to these Patreon supporters for helping make this video:
Herschal Sanders (from Susan)
Today I Found Out
Christian Cooper
Ken Baron
Roman Urbanovski
Jeff Straathof
Bill Shillito
OK Merli
Alex Bozzi
Peggy Youell
Spiked Math
Filipe Junqueira
Thomas J Petersen
Christian Cooper
Andrzej 'Yester' Fiedukowicz
NHM Alminji
Arnas Valeika
Henry Reich
Keith Vertrees
Micky Baeza
Tracy Parry
Stan Ciprian
Rich Pantano (from Jill)
Kelly N
Cooper Stimson
James P Buckley
Kristian Joensen
Raymond Mendelovits
Peter Elst
Valentin Dobrota