Original upload date: Wed, 27 Apr 2016 00:00:00 GMT
Archive date: Tue, 30 Nov 2021 05:12:57 GMT
An Esoteric Quest for the Mysteries of the North in Iceland:
An Introductory Webinar (4/2/16)
with Leonard George, PhD, Haraldur Erlendsson, MD, and Ralph White
In this webinar, a prelude to our Eso
teric Quest taking place on the Snaefellsness Peninsula of Iceland this late August, long-time Quest presenter Leonard George, PhD, sets Norse spirituality and mythology within a larger esoteric context, and examines the ways in which it has both influenced and been influenced by other spiritual streams. He is followed by Haraldur Erlendsson, MD, a deep student of Icelandic history and spirituality, and another one of our presenters at this year’s Quest, who discusses Northern esoteric culture as it emerged from its meager beginnings in Norway, through the founding of Iceland, to its flourishing in the spiritual and literary flowering of the 12th and 13th centuries. He also addresses the Viking presence in the Byzantine Empire.
For more information about this Esoteric Quest conference, set for August 24-29, 2016, please visit http://www.esotericquest.org/