Original upload date: Wed, 03 Mar 2010 00:00:00 GMT
Archive date: Thu, 02 Dec 2021 18:15:23 GMT
Jasun Martz paintings of New York City subway passengers. Music also by Jasun Martz.
'Light' is composed by Jasun Martz and performed by THE ARTS (with members of The Orchestral Ensemble of New York
) and is a part of Jasun Martz's symphony 'Disintegration' performed by The Intercontinental Philharmonic Orchestra and Royal Choir. If light could be captured and recorded it would sound like this. Beautiful, illuminating yet disquieting.
For another version of Light (with Jasun on grand piano) click:
Jasun has said "I consider my paintings 'photorealistic'- I paint people exactly as I see them."
Jasun Martz: New York musician and artist has composed several symphonies, recorded with MICHAEL JACKSON (Bad and Dangerous), toured with FRANK ZAPPA, collaborated with JEAN DUBUFFET (and helped arrange Starship's #1 hit, We Built This City- yikes!)
Download this song here:
More info at http://www.JasunMartz.com