Original upload date: Tue, 21 Jan 2014 00:00:00 GMT
Archive date: Mon, 06 Dec 2021 12:35:23 GMT
The Adult Performer Advocacy Committee advocates to maintain and improve safety and working conditions in the adult film industry by giving adult performers organized representation in matters that af
fect our health, safety, and community.
The mission of APAC is to provide representation for performers in the adult film industry and to protect performers' rights to a safer and more professional work environment. We do this through education of each other and the greater community, development of ethical best practices, and fostering of solidarity. We review existing health and safety protocols, and will initiate new ones as needed. We are committed to working cohesively with all aspects of the adult entertainment industry and the public, strengthening unity between all performers, and maintaining a work environment where workers are valued, respected, and educated.
Find out more at http://apac-usa.com