Original upload date: Sun, 02 May 2021 00:00:00 GMT
Archive date: Tue, 21 Dec 2021 22:12:24 GMT
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0:00 - Splash Screen
0:23 - Opening Credits
0:51 - Welcome and Introduction
1:35 - Call to Action
2:23 - Run of Show
2:45 - Guest Introduction
3:41 - How did you get involved in the industry?
7:33 - What movies and television make you fall in love with the business?
10:04 - MastersFX Beyond Prosthetics
13:40 - Effects and the Test of Time
18:44 - Todd's Proudest Achievements
21:24 - Getting Involved in Stargate SG-1
24:54 - Asgard Puppets
30:05 - Snoopy Goggles on Thor
33:42 - Chaka and the Unas Make-Up
37:38 - Makeup Evolution
40:18 - Photogramming
41:55 - Practical VS Digital
47:44 - Tales From the Crypt
48:49 - Make-up Aging Effects
51:38 - Old Elizabeth Weir in Before I Sleep
54:39 - Wraith Makeup / Todd the Wraith
57:41 - The Future of Makeup and Technology
1:04:02 - Are there any particular animals you study for prosthetics?
1:06:53 - How do you bring an alien creature to life?
1:09:37 - Leprechaun 2
1:11:22 - Has your knowledge of prosthetics helped amputees?
1:13:20 - What advice would you give to novice filmmakers?
1:17:30 - Do you know of an organization that helps with amputees?
1:19:19 - Question for David: How do you prepare for a show?
1:22:49 - Next Week's Guests
1:24:00 - T-Shirts!
1:25:15 - End Credits
"Stargate" and all related materials are owned by MGM Studios and MGM Television.