Q&A #9: Gas Impingement, Reading List, Squeeze-Bores, and More!
Uploader: Forgotten Weapons
Original upload date: Sat, 18 Feb 2017 00:00:00 GMT
Archive date: Tue, 21 Dec 2021 03:48:05 GMT
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And if you would like to help support Belt & Holster, you ca
n find his site at http://www.beltandholster.com . I have no financial involvement in this project; I just like the idea.
Today's questions:
1:06 - Forgotten Weapons reading list?
3:17 - Do old milsurp rifles normally have terrible triggers?
4:38 - Underappreciated and/or undervalued firearms for a beginning collector?
8:15 - Myriad of early semiauto designs because of experimentation or patent avoidance?
10:10 - Belt & Holster western shooting experience fundraiser
12:00 - Direct gas impingement
14:52 - Offset suppressors, like the Osprey and Salvo-12
18:43 - Why single shot .22LR training rifles?
22:05 - Why 30 rounds as standard mag capacity?
26:46 - Why not more straight-pull bolt actions?
29:28 - Will other manufacturing methods allow for more reproductions?
35:34 - Top 5 requirements for a rifle trial?
41:20 - If I could only have 3 guns, what would they be?
44:27 - My match shooting history and how FW began.
49:22 - Successful gas operated pistol?
51:31 - What guns will be remembered as defining this era?
53:46 - Are integrally suppressed guns the next fad and are they worthwhile?
57:38 - Squeeze-bore firearms like the sPzB-41
1:03:28 - Would the Jager pistol make a good home project?
1:05:45 - What was the purpose of rimmed ammunition?
1:07:43 - Have I had an "oh crap" moment when something went wrong with a gun as an auction house?
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Gun display racking provided by Matrix Armory: https://www.matrixarmory.com
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