Wings For Pauline Reel 1 Continued And Reel 2 (1949)
Uploader: British Pathé
Original upload date: Sun, 13 Apr 2014 00:00:00 GMT
Archive date: Tue, 21 Dec 2021 00:31:47 GMT
c. 1949
Reel 1 continued. Various shots of Peter and Pauline in flight. C/U of Pauline putting on gloves and sitting on another training glider. She is towed up to 100 feet and the cable is slip
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ped. L/S of Pauline landing the craft. M/S of retrieving car being driven towards the glider. Young woman attaches towing rope to the front of the glider and the aircraft is towed back to the launching site. Woman guides the craft back. C/U of Pauline talking and laughing with an instructor. He writes a report about her flight and says that she has done well.
Reel 2. M/S of Peter bouncing along on the slider. Dissolve to a shot of a poster in the club bar. A cartoon drawing of someone flying a test glider with other people laughing and waving has the words "Happy Landings Always" at the bottom. A glass is taken off the shelf below. Various shots of people in the bar having a drink and talking about gliding. They laugh and move their arms about as they describe flying techniques. One man who looks rather drunk is given a toy bugle which he plays. C/U of the Derbyshire and Lancashire Gliding Club logo. In the club room a man looks at a notice board and a man and a woman study a contour map. C/U of man pointing to the map. Camera pans to show two young boys (10 or 11 years old) being shown the route of a recent flight by one of the club members. C/U of the pilot pointing to a map. Voiceover describes his mammoth flight through adverse weather conditions. The pilot signals with his hands as he tells his story. Various air to air shots of gliders and shots of glider taking off. "Birds eye view" from the back of a glider as it takes off. C/U of the winch which holds the line. Aerial shots. C/U of Pauline sitting in a more advanced aircraft. C/U of her taking instruction then M/S of glider taking off. Aerial shots of the gliders below. Glider comes in to land. C/U of Pauline as she breathes a sigh of relief to be back on "Good Old Earth." M/S of Peter - still on the slider. M/S of the instructor looking cross and throwing down his clipboard - he doesn't thing Peter is progressing very well.
C/U of Pauline and an instructor who is writing comments in Pauline's log book. She is doing very well and has no progressed far enough to take the "C test". Instructor hands Pauline her book and she smiles. M/S of committee of senior instructors who sit around smoking pipes and voting on whether Pauline is ready to take her C test. Pauline sits in a proper glider plane on the top of the ridge. The instructor points off into the distance. C/U of Pauline sitting in the cockpit. Good shot of Pauline putting on a flying helmet. Batsman signals and the plane is winched into the air. Shots of the glider taking off. M/S of a group of spectators looking into the air. C/U of woman shielding her eyes and looking up. Shot of the glider in flight. Peter looks up as does the instructor. Various shots of the glider in flight. C/U of Pauline looking below. Instructor looks at his watch to check she has been in the air long enough to get her "C". A man on the ground in a flying jacket sits up and looks into the distance. Glider lands. Retrieving vehicle is driven out to the plane. Peter is on board and is the first to congratulate Pauline. C/U of Pauline climbing out of the cockpit and talking to Peter. They walk along together. L/S of the clubhouse -
Pauline is mobbed by other club members who hold out a blanket and push Pauline into it. They give her the "bumps", throwing her up in the air in the blanket. Then they all go into the clubhouse. Inside they sit down at a table for some tea. Peter sits down very gingerly as he is bruised from bouncing around in the slider. L/S of the hillside as several people pull a glider which emerges over the hill and flies off. L/S of glider and club members. Various shots of men pulling on ropes to catapult the aircraft into the air. Glider is launched by winch and cable. More shots of gliders in flight. C/U of Peter and Pauline looking up into the sky. Birds eye view of land as the glider spins. "One day Peter, you too will ride on the wings of the wind"
Note: very nicely made film about learning to glide at the "school room of the skies". Eloquent commentary about flying with the "song of the wind in your ears."
FILM ID:2295.04
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