Original upload date: Mon, 19 Sep 2011 00:00:00 GMT
Archive date: Wed, 08 Dec 2021 05:23:49 GMT
[EUR Tr FM DX record 2007-2016] 93.7 MHz - BBC Radio Scotland (ID @ 1:40) received in Poland at a distance 1706 kilometers, 1056 miles, during tropo-ducting propagation on Dec. 17th, 2007. The sound i
s distorted at loudness peaks, because of very narrow filters in my Kenwood KT-6040 tuner (modified with 6x 50kHz IF filters). I used 9-element external Yagi antenna. My QTH is Góra Kalwaria near Warsaw. BBC transmitter site: Keelylang Hill, Orkney Islands, UK.
== Propagation in second half of December 2007 was exquisite. 93.7 was the only frequency I could hear from the UK, but BBC Scotland continued for several hours and briefly showed up again on two following days. Apart from this, I also received FM stations from Norway at 1100kms and the entire FM band was flooded with stations from Germany, Denmark and Sweden.
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