Show your pride. Share your love. #ProudToLove
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Original upload date: Thu, 27 Jun 2013 00:00:00 GMT
Archive date: Mon, 20 Dec 2021 22:30:48 GMT
YouTube is #ProudToLove the LGBT community.
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MUSIC: Macklemore & Ryan Lewis - Same Love
feat. Mary Lambert - http://youtu.be/hlVBg7_08n0
iTunes: http://goo.gl/KR
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At YouTube, we believe that everyone has the right to love and be loved. We strive to make YouTube a place where all communities can feel proud to express themselves and connect through video. That's why we're proud to stand with the LGBT community and support equal rights and marriage equality for all.
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AreYouSuprised - "Telling my dad that I am gay-LIVE" - http://youtu.be/DVAgz6iyK6A
mallow610 - "COMING OUT - LIVE" - http://youtu.be/GESBUlXBCvE
Jonah Mowry - "Jonah Mowry: 'Whats goin on.." - http://youtu.be/TdkNn3Ei-Lg
wickydkewl - "Coming Out to Grandma - Life in a Day Clip" - http://youtu.be/64RK1TIYnS4
Danielle Renae - "Macklemore & Ryan Lewis-Same Love Lesbian Marriage Proposal" -
RyanJamesYezak - "The Gay Rights Movement" - http://youtu.be/u62OtM_vt5k
TheEllenShow - "Ellen Commends President Obama" - http://youtu.be/RSWBFFXnksc
getupaustralia - "It's time." - http://youtu.be/_TBd-UCwVAY
HaileyandAmanda7711 - "Amanda proposing to Hailey" - http://youtu.be/kTHOq0gsGfk
Expedia - "Find Your Understanding: Expedia Find Yours" - http://youtu.be/ThzdsnXeE28#aid=P9VmiglpwS4
OliviaHas2Moms - "It's a Surprise! - June 15, 2013 - OliviaHas2Moms Vlogs" - http://youtu.be/zM6uc9vKgFs
russmarine2014 - "Random Sunday/ Moving Day" - http://youtu.be/WB3Mpk_tPSA
pinkdotsg - "PINK DOT 2011: SUPPORT THE FREEDOM TO LOVE - 18 JUNE 2011" - http://youtu.be/FrIB5Ojbqns
whitehouse - "LGBT Pride Month Reception" - http://youtu.be/Oq6N9tk0KhM
afpfr - "AFP Video Live: First Gay Marriage in Montpellier, France - Starts at 17h15 local time" - http://youtu.be/1t8GCK4H87M
CNN - "Supreme Court strikes down DOMA" - http://youtu.be/zgM9pO-LSIo
AssociatedPress - "Raw: San Francisco Reaction on Prop 8 Ruling" - http://youtu.be/aNMuwfo-7Io
Mike Buonaiuto - "Homecoming." - http://youtu.be/a54UBWFXsF4
On Top Magazine - "Plaza Hotel Hosts First Gay Wedding" - http://youtu.be/MRhMaXdA1V8
Chris Harper - "We told Dads they're going to be Grandpas" - http://youtu.be/vS9H3vc49kY
allegiancebway - "The George Takei Happy Dance" - http://youtu.be/cSjO-rWMuJo
hartbeat - "Watermelon..." - http://youtu.be/ClDXLf_EAmM
WHATTHEBUCKSHOW - "ARE YOU GAY?" - http://youtu.be/zjAVa9RAfWQ
shanebitneycrone - "IT COULD HAPPEN TO YOU" - http://youtu.be/pR9gyloyOjM
Todrick Hall - "CinderFella" by Todrick Hall (Follow @toddyrockstar on Instagram and Twitter)" - http://youtu.be/F9ZA7bn5ujk
tyleroakley - "Gays Teach You How to Kiss" - http://youtu.be/9vc7IeTk2_o
Nerdist - "NEIL PATRICK HARRIS dreams BOLLYWOOD - Neil's Puppet Dreams - SEASON FINALE" - http://youtu.be/8H1tG7DIwzc
RyanJamesYezak - "California Gays" - http://youtu.be/kelUCEcdO8M
lohanthony - "COOKING CAKE AND COOKIES WITH LOHANTHONY" - http://youtu.be/iT7DpgA1-Jk
willam belli - "Boy Is A Bottom" - http://youtu.be/s0kqobQRcUo
liamkylesullivan - "Shoes the Full Version" - http://youtu.be/wCF3ywukQYA
MyHarto - "HARTOSEXUAL?" - http://youtu.be/-Zl2ZvMZZtQ
ArielleIsHamming - "Shit Girls Say To Lesbians" - http://youtu.be/lgHiKx5l1ZA
Gregory Gorgeous - "Brotherly Love" - http://youtu.be/w9E5hZT0Vts
glaadmedia - "Cher presents Stephen F. Kolzak Award to Chaz Bono at the GLAAD Media Awards #glaadawards" - http://youtu.be/RMrnIWl1EJo
mls - "Tim Cahill, Robbie Rogers, the Sons of Ben | MLS Insider Episode 1 (Full Show)" - http://youtu.be/9US5x6iMxno
It Gets Better Project - "It Gets Better: Dan and Terry" - http://youtu.be/7IcVyvg2Qlo
russmarine2014 - "Q&A with my Straight Marine Friends" - http://youtu.be/HyayNQdMh3E
Jon Dean - "Latrice Royale Introduction w/ Brother" - http://youtu.be/eGGgBOIHhNM
Jamie Tan - "Best Gay Marriage Proposal Singapore (MUST WATCH!!!)" - http://youtu.be/s_QIiAvO5TI
wickydkewl - http://www.youtube.com/user/wickydkewl
RyanJamesYezak - http://www.youtube.com/user/RyanJamesYezak
TheEllenShow - http://www.youtube.com/user/TheEllenShow
hartbeat - http://www.youtube.com/user/hartbeat
WHATTHEBUCKSHOW - http://www.youtube.com/user/WHATTHEBUCKSHOW
Todrick Hall - http://www.youtube.com/user/todrickhall
tyleroakley - http://www.youtube.com/user/tyleroakley
MyHarto - http://www.youtube.com/user/MyHarto
Gregory Gorgeous - http://www.youtube.com/user/GregoryGORGEOUS
glaadmedia - http://www.youtube.com/user/glaadmedia
Human Rights Campaign - https://www.youtube.com/user/hrcmedia