Original upload date: Tue, 05 Mar 2013 00:00:00 GMT
Archive date: Tue, 21 Dec 2021 00:36:52 GMT
Sleaford, Lincolnshire, UK. 1960
A wide variety of scenes at this mixed secondary school, (now St George's College of Technology). Amongst the most striking are the D
omestic Science class with the girls in little caps and aprons being taught to make rock cakes; the School Farm, where the boys learn to plough and manage livestock; the metal workshop complete with forge; and a make-up demonstration for the girls. Special occasions include Prizegiving, Swimming and Athletic sports, Harvest Festival, and a Church Service for the whole school. Outdoor art classes, pottery making, the Choir and Orchestra, the Library, Netball, Football and the School Office all feature, as does the 8.30 a.m. arrival of children and teachers, one of whom drives up jauntily in a bubble car.
Accession no. 495
Total running time 23 min - B/W - Silent - 16mm
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