Whatever Happened to the Guy Stuck in the Elevator? - comic webtoon trailer
Uploader: Tappytoon Comics
Original upload date: Sun, 28 Jun 2015 00:00:00 GMT
Archive date: Wed, 08 Dec 2021 03:27:41 GMT
Ordinary salaryman Chul-soo wakes up late for work and his razor breaks while shaving. He rushes out of his house with a half-shaven face. Thus begins the WORST day of his life! --Read the comic free
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Now also available as a complete edition digital Graphic Novel on iBooks (includes bonus art):
Officially and exclusively produced and distributed as a comic by TappyToon
After waking up late for work one morning, Chul-soo begins to shave. His razor suddenly snaps in two and he must rush out with an awkward stubble on exactly half of his face. Thus begins the worst possible day of his life, as everything goes wrong all at once. From the broken-down elevator to the bus crash during his commute, it seems the world is out to get him in increasingly surreal and comically frustrating ways. On the flipside is a street vendor that looks very much like Chul-soo selling pirated DVDs. Though his basement apartment is shady like his business, he soon meets the bright new girl Bora. She brings a smile to his face, but there’s a cloud that hangs over them both. When today is all but the same as yesterday, how do you get yourself unstuck?
Adapted from the award-winning collection of short-stories by novelist Kim Young-ha, the full-color graphic novel Elevator features distinctly tactile artwork and a comedic yet heartwarming rumination on the everyday absurdity of our modern routines, and the effervescent hope that happenstance can bring. This is a story of two different men: one with stubborn determination and one without any ambition. Their lives juxtaposed against one another tell a story of human will and fate.
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