Marc Porat on Information Economy
Uploader: Kamla Show
Original upload date: Tue, 07 May 2019 00:00:00 GMT
Archive date: Mon, 20 Dec 2021 23:01:50 GMT
Marc Porat coined the term “information economy” and that was the subject of his PhD thesis at Stanford University in 1976.
Porat grew up in the 1960s during a period of revolution as he puts it. The
re were 5 revolutions going on in the 1960s Porat says. They were the the movement against the Vietnam war, the feminist movement, civil rights movement, environmental and counter-culture. What he and others learnt from these revolutions is that “rules as given to us by society are arbitrary…we had the right to re-think them…what they now call to be disruptive,” he explains. “I was interested in another revolution which was the information revolution.” This change was coming and he knew it was going to be technology-driven. This was the subject of his thesis where he documented the rise of information economy and looked at specifically at the US and how the workforce was undergoing a change.
After his PhD at Stanford, Porat joined Aspen Institute and then went on to join Apple and co-found General Magic along with Bill Atkinson and Andy Hertzfeld. General Magic’s goal was to create a ‘pocket crystal” or an intelligent communicator for the post-PC world. The company was spun off from Apple in 1990 and raised millions of dollars but failed. But General Magic’s ideas did not fail and continues to live in smart devices like the iPhone and the Android phone.
This video a highlight of our upcoming extended interview with Porat about General Magic and why they failed to succeed.
There is a new documentary called #GeneralMagic which takes you behind the scenes and shows you how the company started and why they did not gain traction in the market. What was the impact of General Magic and its founders and those who worked in the startup is the subject of the film.
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