New Thailand videos every Wednesday. Subscribe: Thai food recipe: Kua Maeng Grachon (Dry Fried Mole Crickets). How to cook edible insects. Thai Insect Recipe คั่
วแมลงกระชอน. Cooking and Eating Bugs and Insects in Thailand. Taste testing bugs and insects. Bizarre Thai foods!
My wife cooking crickets, a popular Thai food here in Thailand. Bugs and insects are actually quite tasty and I eat insects as food on a semi-regular basis now. Insect eating is very popular amongst Thai people and bugs are apparently quite healthy, low in fat, and a good source of protein. If you travel in Thailand on holidays I'd definitely recommend giving them a try! You’ll find them at nearly all markets and in some Thai restaurants, amongst the hundreds of Thai dishes that are available. In this video I taste test my wife’s fried crickets with kaffir lime and lemongrass, and I can tell you that it is delicious! Dry fried crickets, one of the many bizarre Thai foods you can find in Thailand!
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Check out my channel for lots more videos of Thailand! Subscribe for new videos on what to do in Ao Nang and Krabi, and Thailand in general. New Thailand videos posted regularly about Ao Nang and Krabi places to see, weird foods, eating bugs, insects and other bizarre foods, things to do, Thai food, recipes, Thailand markets, Thai festivals & culture, Thai street food, testing Thai snacks, hotels, resorts, villas, restaurants, Thailand holidays, accommodation, tourism & tours and Thailand travel.
Krabi is about 2-3 hours from Phuket by land or sea, and has world class accommodation standards comparable to what you find in Phuket hotels and resorts, but in a more relaxed environment.
If you're looking into Thailand Hotels have a look at hotels and resorts in Krabi. The islands and beaches of Krabi are famous for Thailand holidays, the movie The Beach was filmed on Krabi's Koh Phi Phi Island.
I do not own the music in this video. The song is "CrazyGlue” by JoshWoodward. (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0