Guinness World Record - Four Guys and a Stool!
Uploader: DeadEyeJack
Original upload date: Thu, 06 Sep 2007 00:00:00 GMT
Archive date: Tue, 21 Dec 2021 03:38:55 GMT
Four sword-swallowers in a mad attempt to break a Guinness World Record: The most sword-swallowers to swallow the same object simultaneously.
The previous unofficial record was established when two
sword-swallowers swallowed the 'business' ends of two sword blades welded together.
This "Sword-Swallowing Dream Team" met up at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival on the August 21st 2007. They are:
Thomas Blackthorne - Who created the stunt and who currently holds four Guinness World Records. Search for "YTTB" on YouTube for his other videos.
Space Cowboy - One of the two creators of the previous double-sword record. Also the first man to sword swallow in a shark tank!
Captain Frodo - Best known for his side-splitting Incredible Rubberman act, the Captain is currently traveling the world, appearing in La Clique.
Gordo Gamsby - The newest performer in the team but fast becoming 'the guy to watch out for". Recently featured in The League of Sideshow Superstars.
The act was performed as a guest spot between the amazing beatbox, percussion and acrobatic acts by the guys of the TomTom Club.
The audience was a genteel Tuesday night crowd who let their hair down to become a raucous party beast!
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